Step forward towards a cure together
Walk of Hope is a national fundraising event that runs every September, with official Brain Tumour Research-hosted walks dotted across the entire UK. If there isn’t one near you, why not organise one of your own?
Thanks to amazing people like you, we’ve raised hundreds of thousands of pounds over the years from these events which is helping us get closer to finding a cure for all types of brain tumours.
This year, we want to make it our biggest Walk of Hope yet and we need your help.
Walk of Hope is taking place on Saturday 24th September and we’re holding walks in Buckinghamshire, Cheshire, Hampshire, Leicestershire, South Lanarkshire and West Yorkshire. Find a walk near you, sign up with your loved ones and join like-minded supporters stepping out to make a difference.
If you can’t find a walk near you, you can still get involved! Organise your own Walk of Hope wherever you are and get all your family, friends, colleagues and community to join you.
To find out more, including how you can get your Walk of Hope t-shirt, fundraising pack and special Walk of Hope Hero medal, visit www.braintumourresearch.org/fundraise/walk-of-hope
See all of our Brain Tumour Research walks here or learn more about organising your own here.