Register now for Wear a Christmas Hat Day Friday 16th December
Register now to take part in a fun and easy way to get the Christmas spirit into your workplace and raise money for Brain Tumour Research. https://www.braintumourresearc…
Ho-ho-hold onto your hats for a winter-wonderful Wear A Christmas Hat Day. Take part help us raise some Christmas spirit, as well as funds for vital research.
Dig out your tinsel and grab those Rudolf antlers from the cupboard and let’s put a festive spin on our creativity for a vibrant and varied festive fundraiser.
Spread some cheer with a Christmas fundraising party, organise a Christmas Market stall and sell our Christmas cards etc while wearing one of our brilliant bespoke KuSan bobble hats – you could wrap some tinsel round your head as well! Or get hold of one of our Santa Hats and organise a Wear A Christmas Hat Day Santa Dash!
However you choose to take part, Wear A Christmas Hat Day will bring some added sparkle to warm up your lives.
Please contact me Paula Rastrick on paula.rastrick@braintumourresearch.org or 07710390796 for more details or if you wish to take part in any other fundraising.
Thank you in advance