Tina Shah, Senior Associate, Divorce and Family Law

Neves launch new service for separating or divorcing couples


Neves Solicitors has launched a new service for separating or divorcing couples. One Lawyer, One Couple : Resolution Together is a way of working that allows one lawyer to work with and advise couples jointly, including providing appropriate legal advice, through a divorce or separation.

Resolution Together has been developed by Resolution, whose code of practice seeks to support couples and families to resolve issues in a non-confrontational and constructive manner.

Neves can assist you together to reach an outcome and help you record your decisions in a binding way.

To find out more about this service and help you decide whether you feel this is a suitable process for you visit – https://www.nevesllp.co.uk/for…

If you wish to discuss this new service call Senior Associate, Tina Shah on 0330 0945 500 or email tina.shah@nevesllp.co.uk