MK Community Foundation SDG Consultant Tender
SDG Tender Open For Invitations
We are thrilled to announce that we are actively searching for a passionate SDG consultant to support our environmental priorities.
As a Foundation, committed to supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we believe in the power of local change and its capacity to have a global impact.
The objective of this tender is to engage a consultant to work on sustainable development goals (SDG), with a specific focus on developing roadmaps for our areas of priorities. To select the project and design its delivery.
The consultant will be responsible for mapping options, creating parameters for the scope, identify the resources required and companies capable of delivering the projects. Along with identifying ROI for each piece of work.
Scope of Work
Address knowledge gaps on retrofit and renewables options:
This refers to a gap analyse of areas we are unaware of in the scope of “Retrofit & Renewables Options.”
The consultant is expected to fill these gaps by conducting research, analysis, and providing relevant information.
Outcomes expected:
- A list of shortlisted options with clear parameters and identified ROI or social impact which link with MK Community Foundations priorities and realistic resource capabilities.
- Act as a library source of knowledge.
Address knowledge gaps on retrofit and renewables options:
Outcomes expected:
- Identify and outline a range of funding sources that can be leveraged to support sustainable development activities which have been identified in point 1 and could improve ROI.
- Highlight funding sources into non-competitive and socially and environmentally associated grants.
- Propose a financing roadmap for all proposed projects.
Create a framework which can be used to evaluate the broader social, environmental, and economic benefits or positive social impacts generated by MK Community Foundations initiatives for educational and reporting purposes. To enable us to capture best practice:
Outcome expected:
- Establish a consistent and tailored approach to measure and assessing the broader social value or impact generated by the Foundations activities, ensuring that the assessment aligns with the Foundations specific goals and objectives.
We expect the draft report to be available within 12 weeks of instruction, with a view to allow us to build our budgets for 2024.
The consultant should adhere to the agreed-upon milestones and provide regular progress updates.
Selection Criteria
The selection of the consultant will be based on the following criteria:
- Demonstrated expertise in sustainable development, cost-benefit analysis, and social value methodologies.
- Experience in working on projects related to retrofitting, renewables, and sustainable financing strategies.
- Strong analytical skills, with a proven track record in delivering similar consultancy projects.
- Understanding of MKCF’s specific goals and alignment with the organisation’s values and objectives.
- Where possible a local consultant or local connection the City of Milton Keynes.
How to submit your proposal:
Interested consultants should submit their proposals by email to Michaela Clark, by Friday,15th September.
Proposals should include:
- A detailed plan of action, relevant experience in sustainable development projects, and a clear understanding of the outlined deliverables.
About MK Community Foundation
We have an ageing portfolio of properties which were originally gifted to the Foundation by the Milton Keynes Development Corporation and the Commission for New Towns in 1992.
The properties were given without cost, but with the provision that the main use should be of benefit to the local community through use by the voluntary sector.
As a leading grant giver in the city, we send funding where it is needed most in Milton Keynes. By guiding businesses, philanthropists and charities to the right giving and grants, we’re on a mission for a fairer community. You may want to refer to our annual Vital Signs publication.