Milton Keynes Firewalk 2023
When: Friday 08 September 2023
Conquer your fear and walk barefoot over red-hot wood embers reaching temperatures of around 800 degrees. No tricks, no special effects. Just you and the fire.
Looking for an incredible adrenaline challenge? Look no further. New for 2023, thrill-seekers can take on a firewalk for Brain Tumour Research.
This is a life-changing experience you’re sure to never forget. Will you feel the heat to help find a cure?
Places are limited – join our team today!
Joining this event as a fire walker for Brain Tumour Research you will receive:
- A branded t-shirt
- Dedicated fundraising help and support, including any assistance needed in setting up your online fundraising page
- Access to a Facebook Group for sharing updates, useful tips on how to maximise your fundraising and smashing your targets!
- PR support where applicable and the opportunity to share your story with us (if you want)
- A special finisher’s #FightingForce medal
Registration Fee – £20
Minimum Sponsorship – £99
Shenley Pavilions, Milton Keynes
Name: Emma Jolly
Email: emma.jolly@braintumourresearch.org