Damien Hirst Auction on Friday at our 100 Club networking event
To add something extra to our Networking lunch this Friday at Buck Star Brewery at 12-2pm, we have a rare Damien Hirst ‘Spin Picture’ CD. It has a certificate of Authenticity for the gallery and has been exhibited at 4 museums in the UK since 2020. Come prepared for this!
So, if you haven’t already booked then go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/100-club-networking-lunch-in-mk-registration-642962206267?aff=oddtdtcreator to book your free place.
If you don’t know about our 100 Club, it is a chance to network with companies and people outside of your normal circles, find out a bit about Samuel’s Charity’s work in our community and take part in the quiz and auction. Plus the food is excellent and on us!
So, book now as we have just 10 places left.