Announcement of The Local Skills Improvement Plan report publication
We are pleased to announce the publication of the Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) report.
Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIPs) were introduced as a key part of the Government’s vision of an adult skills system where businesses are given a much stronger voice in local skills planning. Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce working in conjunction with both Milton Keynes Chamber and Bedfordshire Chamber are the designated lead for the development of the regions LSIP over the last 9 months.
The Government’s Skills for Jobs White Paper set out an employer-led approach aimed at making Post-16 Further Education (FE) provision more responsive to local skills needs and ultimately local economic needs. As part of this new approach, the Chambers of Commerce in our region have been asked by the Department for Education to work in partnership with a range of stakeholders to develop the local LSIP.
Louise Wall, Chief Executive of Northamptonshire Chamber of Commerce, and Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce added: “When Northamptonshire Chamber was given the opportunity to lead on the LSIP we were confident that due to the excellent relationships that exist between all the major stakeholders in the area, we would be able to create something meaningful to influence the skills landscape. I feel confident to say we have achieved that by engaging with hundreds of local businesses to hear their voice.”
We invited organisations from all sectors to share their views on the current and future skills landscape in our region. To hear from as many employers and stakeholders as possible – their opinions are helping shape our region’s future skills provision.
LSIPs has done this by providing a clear articulation of future skills need and setting out the priorities for change in local provision that will help people develop the skills they need to get good jobs and increase prospects. Our report which you can view on our website, details the findings: https://www.northants-chamber….