Do you have a lot of cash on deposit earning too little interest? If so, you are not the only one. In fact you are probably in the majority of people. After all it’s a faff having to research the highest interest rates every time your deposit fixed interest rate period ends and having to go through the hassle of closing one bank account, opening another one and transferring the money. The trouble is the banks know this. In fact they rely on your apathy in order to make more money from you. Banks have been doing this for centuries.
Have you ever opened an all singing, all dancing bank account with bells and whistles and a highly competitive interest rate then stood by and watched as the account became more and more watered down until it became a plain vanilla, uncompetitive low interest bank account? It has certainly happened to me and I am sure it has happened to you at least once.
So what can you do about it? The answer is to invest in the Wealth And Tax Cash Management Service.
Our service is for individuals with at least £50,000 to invest and companies with at least £250,000. Your investment is transferred into an HSBC holding account before being transferred to one or more accounts paying competitive, high interest rates. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme protected allowance of £85,000 per banking group can be maximised by diversifying your deposit over several separate banks thus protecting your deposits more.
We currently have access to 64 banks and new banks are being added all of the time. There is even access to offshore banks both for UK resident individuals and UK companies as well as non-UK resident individuals and offshore companies, trusts and pension schemes.
The deposits are reviewed and transferred to different banks and/or accounts at the end of each fixed rate period in order to maximise the interest rate. You are not given any advice so the service is execution only. You have to go through the usual money laundering checks at the outset. Once set up you can relax and let us do the work for you.
This is a super way to not only get higher interest rates on your money but also to protect it better. You know it makes sense.*
The value of investments can fall as well as rise. You may not get back what you invest. The information contained within this article is for guidance only and does not constitute advice which should be sought before taking any action or inaction. All information is based on our current understanding of taxation, legislation, regulations and case law in the current tax year. Any levels and bases of relief from taxation are subject to change. Tax treatment is based on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate tax planning, estate planning or trusts. This blog is based on my own observations and opinions.
Chartered and Certified Financial Planner
Managing Director of Wealth and Tax Management
If you are looking for expert guidance in Financial Planning contact Wealth and Tax Management on 01908 523740 or email wealth@wealthandtax.co.uk