Did you know that nutrition can have an impact on health in the workplace?
Healthy eating is a fundamental aspect of a healthy lifestyle. What we eat and how we eat impacts our actions in day to day life.Consequently, nutrition plays a very crucial role in determining the health and well being of your employees. It’s an underestimated and overlooked factor when promoting good health in the workplace. Also, it boosts the productivity of your employees as a whole. A healthy workplace environment should support healthy eating. It contributes to the health and well being of all employees (Vinatge Fit, 2019).
Proper nutrition helps to maintain energy levels and concentration. It helps to keep healthy ranges of body weight. As a result, this helps in the prevention and management of chronic diseases and health issues. Nearly half of all deaths caused by heart disease, diabetes, and stroke can be linked to poor diet choices (JAMA). Therefore, as an employer, it is crucial to promote good nutritional habits in your workplace. Promoting health in the workplace also helps in building a positive company image of caring and social responsibility (Vintage Fit, 2019).
At Stemax Consult Healthcare Services we offer nutritional consultation, services span across general health and wellbeing. Our approach to these consultations is largely holistic so, we incorporate details of your general well-being in a brief pre-consultation analysis. After all, your overall health improvement is our satisfaction. We ensure to engage you all the way and jointly agreeing on a bespoke investigations and treatment route, we strive towards addressing your concerns.
We would love to hear from you; Why not book an appointment. For more information, please visit https://stemaxconsult.com/
Read the full article about “Health in the Workplace: Nutrition and its Impact”
at: https://blog.vantagefit.io/health-in-the-workplace/