5th HR Transformation Programme – Kick Off!


The Sunfish Online team have recently successfully kicked off their 5th HR Transformation Programme!

The remit of this latest engagement is to support the ‘business case’ creation stage, engaging with various colleagues at all levels within the client’s organisation, conducting various interviews and workshops which will then result in the delivery of a robust, evidence-based case for change including associated budget and resource requirements.

The first step of this type of project is often key to its overall success as it will lay the financial and operational foundation objectives against which the subsequent implementation phase will be measured.

We have an exceptional team to make this happen:

– Project / Programme Managers
– Technical / Solutions Architects
– Business Analysts
– Business Change Professionals

If you want to stay up-to-date with us, follow our LinkedIn page (https://www.linkedin.com/company/sunfish-online-limited) or Twitter account (@sunfish_online)