10 tips for optimising your business’ energy use this summer
In the last few years, the U.K. has experienced some of the hottest summers on record. In July 2022 we experienced a brief, but unprecedented, extreme heatwave with the temperature reaching 40.3°C
The Met Office has predicted that 2023 will be even hotter than previous years, and one of the warmest on record with temperatures predicted to rise by between 1.08C and 1.32C. In light of this, TEAM’s Energy Consultant, Georgina Wisby, has compiled 10 tips to help you optimise your organisation’s energy use this summer. Not only will this ensure the comfort of your employees, but also the reduction of your energy spend and carbon emissions. The best part is that each of these changes can be implemented with minimum investment.
Read the full blog here: https://www.teamenergy.com/dis…