Assertiveness Skills | Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce

Assertiveness Skills

14 Jan 2025

Commercial Training - Personal & Management Development

Title: Assertiveness Skills

Venue: Northamptonshire Chamber, 8 Waterside Way, Northampton, NN4 7XD

Description: At some time or other most of us give in to people in authority or to those who are dominant or difficult. It stops us achieving our own goals and leaves us feeling inadequate, stressed or angry. This course identifies the behaviour patterns that lead to these situations. Delegates will practice a new set of behaviour patterns to enable them to better control interpersonal situations.

Total Places: 10

Places Available: 8

NonMember Cost: £319.00 + VAT

Member Cost: £249.00 + VAT

Date: 14/01/2025

Start Time: 09:30

End Time: 16:30