Workplace Flu Vaccination programme 2023
The summer sunshine is here but don’t let that distract you from planning ahead for one of winter’s biggest threats to your workforce’s health and company productivity; the ‘flu virus.
Did you know:
- ‘Flu vaccinations are a proven low cost approach to reduce employee absenteeism and maximise productivity
- Whilst there are some groups at higher risk of being seriously unwell with ‘flu, anyone can transmit the virus, so it is crucial to get as many of your employees protected as possible
- Providing ‘flu vaccinations to your employees boosts workplace morale as employees feel their health and wellbeing is valued.
For nearly 10 years Lincoln Occupational Health has been proud to provide an efficient, convenient and professional workplace ‘flu vaccination programme, offering half or full day onsite vaccination clinics from September-November (predominantly in the London, Thames Valley, Milton Keynes and Midlands areas but other locations in the UK can be considered).
Please email lydia@lincolnoccupationalhealth.co.uk to express your interest in our 2023 workplace ‘flu vaccination programme and/or to find out more about the ‘flu vaccination service we can provide for you.
Visit our website: https://www.lincolnoccupationa…