Sustainability consultancy TEAM Energy achieves carbon neutral status


In a move to demonstrate its commitment to become net zero by 2030, EDW Group has become carbon neutral.

EDW group, comprising of TEAM Energy and EDW Technology, is a market leader in delivering carbon management and energy retail solutions, helping customers manage their energy and reduce carbon emissions.

As part of TEAM’s own comprehensive carbon reduction strategy, the business has set out to become net zero by 2030 supported by achieving carbon neutrality this year. They have also managed their environmental performance following an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.

TEAM’s carbon neutral status is underpinned by a plan to reduce emissions along a 1.5°C trajectory, based on best practice energy management for the business type and energy efficiency and technology projects. Initiatives include removing barriers for employees to reduce their own emissions associated with commuting and homeworking, a large part of our Scope 3 emissions.

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