Speed Networking & Buffet Lunch | Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce

Speed Networking & Buffet Lunch

13 Feb 2025


Title: Speed Networking & Buffet Lunch

Venue: Horwood House Hotel, Mursley Road, Little Horwood, MK17 0PH

Description: Join us for a fast -paced networking event. Don’t forget to bring plenty of business cards!

A two-course buffet is included.

The Holiday Inn has over 80 spaces in the hotel car park, subject to availability. Anyone parking in there must register their number plate at the main hotel reception on arrival. 

Around the hotel are council parking areas where charges apply 7am to 6pm every day – purple bays are 50p per hour and red bays are £2.00 per hour.  This is RingGo parking, so you would need a payment card or phone.  Details to make payment can be found on the pay and display machines. The purple area off Avebury Boulevard at the side of the hotel tends to be quiet.

Additionally, opposite the hotel, the Midsummer Place multi-storey which has over 700 spaces.  This is charged at £3.60 for 2-3 hours. 

Total Places: 40

Places Available: 37

NonMember Cost: £No Price Set + VAT

Member Cost: £20.00 + VAT

Date: 13/02/2025

Start Time: 11:30

End Time: 13:30