Maximising the Value of Your Business | Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce

Maximising the Value of Your Business

30 Jan 2025


Title: Maximising the Value of Your Business

Venue: Online

Description: Join us at 10:00 on Thursday 30th January for a Webinar on Maximising the Value of Your Business delivered by Grant Thornton and O’Sullivan Financial Planning (OFP).

Business owners will often wonder: how can I grow the value of my business and what are my options if I want to realise some or all the value, I have built up in it? From a personal point of view, being able to answer: “How much is ‘enough’?”
Grant Thornton and O’Sullivan Financial Planning will partake in a webinar on this topic, which will include insights on:
•    The state of the Mergers & Acquisitions and investment market
•    How businesses are typically valued (and how buyer’s assess businesses), and what levers can be pulled to drive premium valuations of businesses in the manufacturing sector
•    What options exist for business owners to either exit completely or generate liquidity from their business – whether it is to take money off the table or provide funding for growth
•    What are some of the key things business owners can be doing years ahead of any such event to ensure they are best prepared, and value is maximised
•    How to prepare yourself (and your family) for the transition.
•    What’s the next chapter?
•    How to leave your ego at the door to maximise what you need.
•    What is your legacy?

Total Places: 25

Places Available: 19

NonMember Cost: £No Price Set + VAT

Member Cost: £0.00 + VAT

Date: 30/01/2025

Start Time: 10:00

End Time: 11:30