Confident Customer Service | Milton Keynes Chamber of Commerce

Confident Customer Service

19 Nov 2025

Commercial Training - Personal & Management Development

Title: Confident Customer Service

Venue: Northamptonshire Chamber, 8 Waterside Way, Northampton, NN4 7XD

Description: This course aims to improve customer service within your business and help your team become more confident in their approach and recognising the value they bring to the organisation. Whether you are handling customers face to face or over the phone it is essential that you master the skills to keep the conversation flowing; obtain important information; and ensure your customer – or potential customer – leaves you/the caller with a good impression of your company.

Total Places: 10

Places Available: 10

NonMember Cost: £329.00 + VAT

Member Cost: £259.00 + VAT

Date: 19/11/2025

Start Time: 09:15

End Time: 16:30